Oil and Water Painting

- Cooking Oil
- Liquid water color or food coloring
- Droppers or squirt bottles
- Paper (watercolor paper works best)
- Paper towels
- Optional: tray or newspaper to contain any spills

- Step 1: Dilute liquid water color with water in a 1:1 dilution.
- Alternative: Slowly add food dye to water until the desired color is reached.
- Step 2: Water color and cooking oil should be placed into separate squirt bottles, or into separate shallow containers if using pipettes.
- Step 3: Begin dropping oil and watercolor onto the paper.
- What happens if you drop watercolor on top of oil? Or oil on top of water color?
- Try dropping multiple different colors onto the oil. Do those colors mix?
- Why do you think that the oil and watercolor do not mix?

- Oil and water do NOT mix, they are immiscible . Oil molecules are attracted to other oil molecules so they stick together. Water molecules are the same way!
- Another reason that oil and water do not mix is that they have different densities. Check out Rainbow Water Stack to learn more about density!

When you’re ready for the next artwork or exploration, soak up any extra liquid with paper towels and let your artwork dry for 2-3 hours.