Sun Catcher Wind Chimes
In this activity, you can reuse materials to create an instrument that can be played by the wind, which also doubles as a decoration that reflects sunlight! Follow along with the steps below. Can you identify the flowers that you used or drew?

- Caps and lids
- Contact paper or clear tape
- Ribbon or string
- Scissors
- Flowers/grass/pine needles
- One stick
- Optional: Markers, artistic wire, glue, nail polish

- Begin by collecting an assortment of flowers, grass, leaves, or pine needles from outside. Find a sturdy stick that will hold your wind chime too!
- Alternative: draw and cut out flowers, use a craft stick or pipe cleaner to hold the wind chime.

- Gather various sized caps and lids for the next step. Think about the noises they will make when blown together.

- Mason Jar Lids: Place contact paper or tape on top of lid, flip over, and arrange flowers how you’d like them. Place second sheet of contact paper on top or cover with tape. Cut off excess contact paper or tape.
- Other lids and caps: Place flowers directly into cap, then tape or place contact paper over. Cut off excess contact paper or tape.
*Note: this will be more crisp with contact paper and live flowers will last longer

- Now you are ready to use ribbon or string to attach your decorated lids to the stick. You can tie string or artistic wire around the top of the stick to use for hanging the wind chime.

- My wind chime was not very loud – what other materials could you attach to the wind chime to make it louder? Let us know what you used!
*Note: Live flowers may eventually decompose