Help our Glow campers share free STEM books & experiments with local kids

Ignite Curiosity.

Fuel Discovery.

Sponsor a $50 FILL-UP!


This Summer, as part of Glow camp at Discovery Space and The Rivet, local middle-schoolers worked together to construct 3 Little Free LABraries to be placed across Centre County.

Show your support for this project and help us Fill-Up the LABraries and provide FREE science books and STEM activity kits for local kids! 

Project Details

  1. We have built 3 Little Free LABraries that will be installed in different parts of Centre County.
  2. We expect to need $50 per month, per LABrary, in order to purchase materials, make the kits, and restock the boxes. Recurring monthly gifts are greatly appreciated to keep the LABraries full ALL YEAR!

More about Glow Camp

During this summer camp with an emphasis on female empowerment and leadership, Glow campers will embrace new tools and tackle countless head-scratching moments together. They will develop skills in leadership, woodworking, and collaboration. YES, we’re building physical LABraries, but we’re also building skills, confidence, and friendships!

We rely on sponsors and contributions to help fulfill our mission of providing engaging science experiences which spark creativity, curiosity, and imagination.

Thank you for your support!


three high school students pose at a table with woodshop projects and a laptop
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